It’s Never Too Late

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December of 2023 I bought a new car. Not just a “new to me” car, but an actual new 2024. It was the first one in a long time. I had forgotten how much I love the new car smell and the ultra clean interior. Because I’m not one to read an owners manual of any kind, I had no idea one of the features was to alert the driver when they advanced into another lane without using the blinker. I guess my car keeps score and apparently I had done it so many times one day, as I was heading to the coast, that a steaming cup of coffee came onto the screen and suggested I take a coffee break. Made me giggle.

The car was correct. Staying in your own lane while driving is important but staying in your own LIFE lane is a must. How many of us look to our left and to our right to see what our family members, friends or neighbors are doing. Then do you compare your life to theirs? How many of us look back at past mistakes or things we should have done differently and stay stuck in that mode for awhile? What we should be doing is looking straight ahead for new opportunities, new blessings, new ways of seeing things.

There’s a multitude of new opportunities to deposit into your lane and as long as you’re breathing remember these four words, IT’S NEVER TOO LATE. It’s never too late to change careers, it’s never too late to make new friends, it’s never too late to eat heathy, it’s never too late to build new muscle, it’s never too late to put into action a new dream.

“It’s never too late to be what we might have been.” -George Elliot

Something to think about this week. You’re the ONLY person that can see what’s ahead in your lane and your feet take you where your thoughts direct. Choose wisely my friend.

Hey, just getting started making the second wave of life even better than the first. You’re invited.


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